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Hyperion Tech Spotlight on HPE Cray supercomputing
Hyperion Tech Spotlight on HPE Cray supercomputing
Discover why businesses are exploiting high performance computing to boost productivity and competitiveness
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That’s why HPE and our global partners have created a high performance computing (HPC) ecosystem to help solve the world’s most complex problems. We continuously collaborate, build, validate, and deliver secure, innovative, production-level HPC solutions with leading-edge technologies and services. 

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HPE HPC solutions scale up or scale out, on-premises or in the cloud, with purpose-built storage and software to power innovation.  All your workloads, within your economic requirements.

Discovery enters the exascale era

Exascale supercomputing will help solve the world’s most important and complex challenges. 

New storage for a new era

HPC & AI storage platform for the exascale era with Cray ClusterStor E1000

Density optimized compute

HPE Apollo delivers purpose-built compute for demanding High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications.

Comprehensive software portfolio

Offering solutions with proven track record of helping customers maximize use of their HPC systems so they can get results faster.

Density optimized compute

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Comprehensive software portfolio

Offering solutions with proven track record of helping customers maximize use of their HPC systems so they can get results faster.


Introducing the HPE Cray line of supercomputers

Supercomputing is at the threshold of a new era—the Exascale Era. Today, HPE is too, as the integration of Cray into Hewlett Packard Enterprise is effectively complete for our people, our critical business systems, our roadmaps, and our brands.


Introducing the HPE Cray line of supercomputers

Supercomputing is at the threshold of a new era—the Exascale Era. Today, HPE is too, as the integration of Cray into Hewlett Packard Enterprise is effectively complete for our people, our critical business systems, our roadmaps, and our brands.
Success in action
University of Leicester

DiRAC elevates theoretical physics and astrophysics with HPC

The types of calculations that DiRAC and the University of Leicester process span theoretical astrophysics, particle physics, cosmology, and nuclear physics to understand how the universe works. It requires supercomputing.


Find a supercomputing solution that would support the types of complex calculations that were required.


HPE worked closely with DiRAC and the university to design the exact system that was needed, and when implemented, it delivered groundbreaking science from day one.


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The university is capable of doing calculations 20 times faster, revolutionizing what it can do on particle physics calculations.

Watch the DIRAC video
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